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Welcome to CamoPedia
Camopedia (Camouflage Encyclopedia) is the brainchild of Henrik Clausen and Eric H Larson. Our goal is to create a comprehensive, accurate, and academically-supported database referencing all the major military and paramilitary camouflage patterns that have been used throughout all time periods.
Primary sources for the information presented here include: data from official publications or nomenclature, photographs, physical specimens (with provenance, if possible), published material, and occasionally unpublished material from academic or military sources. Although we shall do our best to cite references when appropriate, all text presented here remains our own and we take full responsibility for any errors or mistakes encountered. Except in instances where we have used photographs in the public domain, this website and all it contains is copyrighted 2010 -- All rights reserved.
We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of fellow members of the International Camouflage Uniform Society (ICUS) for their photographic contributions and assistance in clarifying some data for these articles.
Original submissions, corrections and additional information are welcomed, although we cannot credit individual authors or submissions directly. We do respectfully ask that all data to be considered for inclusion on this site be appropriately documented, or references cited.
This site is presently under construction. Changes are happening on a daily basis. Please bear with us as the site expands, and visit the site frequently to view new pages, articles, and additions.
Should you have any comments please send a mail to
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- Germany - after 1945
- USSR (Soviet Union)
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"Families" of patterns
- Brushstroke - eg. British WW2 patterns
- Digital patterns (CADPAT, MARPAT etc.)
- DPM (British)
- Lizard - eg. French or Portuguese lizard patterns
- Puzzle - "jigsaw puzzle" patterns (Belgium, Yugoslavia etc.)
- Rain pattern - used by many Warsaw Pact Countries
- Splinter - German WW2 Wehrmacht, Bulgaria, Sweden etc.
- Tiger stripe - Vietnam War era pattern
Camouflage on military vehicles
Camouflage on military vehicles
Camouflage on military aircraft
Camouflage on military aircraft