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The Republic of Abkhazia is a partially-recognized state/disputed region in the South Caucasus, located on the Eastern Coast of the Black Sea in territory claimed by the Republic of Georgia. Following the disintegration of the Soviet Union, disputes between ethnic Abkhaz and Georgian groups over independence resulted in the 1992-93 War in Abkhazia, in which Georgian forces were defeated and ethnic Georgians were forced out of the region. A ceasefire was instituted in 1994, but military conflict was sparked again during the 2008 South Ossetia War. The region is now considered a "frozen conflict." Only Russia, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Nauru recognize the independence of Abkhazia; Georgia considers it a part of its own territory, currently occupied by Russia.

Camouflage of the Abkhazian Armed Forces

The Abkhazian Armed Forces (Абџьарирқәу Амҷқәа Аԥсны) were originally formed out of the ethnic Abkhaz National Guard. Although primarily a ground force, there are small maritime and air units, all of which are supplied by Russia and outfitted similarly to Russian forces. Initially outfitted with contemporary uniforms of the Russian Armed Forces, in recent years the AAA have adopted standardized camouflage of their own.

  • Initially, the standard uniform of Abkhazian Ground Forces was the "Flora" or Arbuz (watermelon) pattern camouflage pattern worn by the Armed Forces of Russia.

Russia10.jpg Russia8.jpg

  • In time, by 2008-2009 Abkhaz forces would adopt the pixelated version of the above pattern, known as единая маскировочная расцветка (EMR), tsifra, tetra, or "digital flora."

Russia38.jpg Abkhaz-tsifra.jpg

  • Introduced around May 2021, the pixelated camouflage design seen here now appears to be in general service with all units of the Abkhazian Armed Forces. Having a color palette similar to that adopted previously by Croatia, the design features a light olive green base color, populated with regions of foliage green and dotted with smaller sections of medium brown and black. Unlike many digital camouflage designs, this one has a distinctly sparse appearance, with the base color taking up at least 50% of the overall design.
