South Africa - Kwa Ndebele

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Kwa Ndebele (Kwandebele)

KwaNdebele was a tribal homeland in the northeastern region of Republic of South Africa from 1977 until 1994.[1] The region was set aside for Ndebele-speaking people, and granted nominal self-rule in 1981. KwaNdebele was reincorporated into South Africa on 27 April 1994, becoming part of the Mpumalanga province.

Circa 1984 a unit of Ndebele soldiers was formed (115 Battalion) in the Central Transvaal with the intent of forming the basis of a defence force for the KwaNdebele Homeland. During the process a camouflage uniform was adopted for wear by members of the unit, but its use was never fully implemented as there was not enough local support for the creation of a fully-independent KwaNdebele. 115 Battalion, therefore, remained a part of the SADF under the Central Transvaal Command (later the Gauteng Command) until it was disbanded in 1997.

KwaNdebele Camouflage

  • A distinctive camouflage pattern was develeped for the KwaNdebele Defense Force around 1984, consisting of dark brown & orange-tan blotches on a nutria brown background. Although the uniform was issued and worn by members of 115 Battalion, its use was never completely adopted.




  1. The African Homeland, or bantustan, was a territory specifically set aside for black Africans of a specific ethnic or tribal group during the apartheid era.