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The Republic of Zambia was inhabited for thousands of years by Khoisan-speaking hunter-gatherers. In the twelfth century CE, migrations of Bantu-speaking tribes (including the Tonga and Nkoya) pushed into these traditional areas and absorbed most of the Khoisan. Further tribal settlements occurred in the 18th and 19th centuries, with the arrival of the Nsokolo, Ngoli and Sotho people. Europeans first arrived in the late 18th century, the most prominent of whom was David Livingstone who reached the Zambezi River in 1855 and naming the magnificent falls there after Queen Victoria.

The British South Africa Company under Cecil Rhodes obtained mineral rights from a local king in 1888, and a few years later his British South Africa Police (BSAP) put down a rebellion in the east, thereafter naming the region North-eastern Rhodesia. In 1911 it merged with the North-western section to form Northern Rhodesia, which became a British colonial holding in 1923. The land to the south (now Zimbabwe) was at this time known as Southern Rhodesia, but in 1953 the British government merged both territories

  • Semi-arid pattern also used by Kenya

Kenya zambia semi arid pattern.jpg